Alexis Tsipras Letter Highlights
Alexis Tsipras is the leader of the Greek Syriza party that just won in Greece. He published an open letter to German citizens that covers the following points.[1] He is forceful, clear, honest and in my opinion correct.
The press and the bankers have created an environment in Europe where Greece is looked upon as an irresponsible state not willing to pay its debt. This is not true.
- In 2010, the Greek state ceased to be able to service its debt. The collection of debt requires willingness to pay and Ability to pay. – No means exist to do so.
- Position taken by the government in power at the time was questioned by Alexis.
- The European bankers pretended that the inability to repay could be overcome by larger loans, austerity and longer loan repayment periods. In fact they wanted the Greek assets and this is the 3rd world technique perfected over 30 years by the bankers being applied to a non-3rd world country. In fact, the nation of Greece cannot pay back the loan.
- An insolvency problem was thus dealt with as if it were a case of illiquidity.
“Greece’s debt is currently unsustainable and will never be serviced especially while Greece is being subjected to continuous fiscal waterboarding”
Russia and the Critical Issue
Not mentioned in the letter is “Where does Greece get the Revenue”? The fight in the Ukraine provided them a bonanza. Russia has suffered enough in the Ukraine. Russia supplies oil and gas through pipelines in the Ukraine. Ukraine has been stealing much of those shipments meaning Russia gets no revenue. Russia has closed the pipelines through the Ukraine and is opening them through Greece. This means major revenue for Greece.
Shot across the Bow of the Illuminati Banks
Within 24 hours of his swearing in, Tsipras formed a coalition government with the right-wing independent Greeks Party. He also chose strong leadership in his ministers:
- Yanis Varoufakis – Finance Minister described IMF austerity measures as “fiscal waterboarding.”
- Panos Kammento – Defense Minister stated that “Greece would be better off with closer relations with Russia and China” – – – remember the BRICS?
The reality is that Greece has 26% unemployment and 60% under 30 unemployment. Massive emigration is also going on and runs on the banks are happening.
The SRIZA movement may be the first of many. Leftist parties are looking for elections all over Europe. Next elections up are Spain, Portugal, Ireland and the Netherlands.
The Illuminati Bankers have a new force firing at them – – – -people in Europe that are fed up with the austerity measures forcing them into debt slavery.
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[1]Alexis Tsipras, Alexis Tsipras Open Letter To Germany: What You Were Never Told About Greece, Gold Stock Bull,