Press Release



Raven Publishing announces that the two volume series, Who’s Next?  WON the Xulon Press 2015 Christian Author awards contest.  This is an open competition for any self-published author every year.

The Who’s Next?  two volume series, was awarded the Xulon Press’s FIRST PLACE AWARD  andSECOND PLACE AWARD in the Finance category of the 2015 competition.   The award notice was February 1, 2016.

Xulon Press, owned by Salem Media Group, is a Christian publisher specializing in books consistent with Christian beliefs.  In 2007, it claimed to be “the largest publisher of Christian books in North America”, claiming more than 3,900 print-on-demand titles published by 2007.  Xulon Press makes authors’ books available through distribution agreements with Ingram Content Group and Amazon.Com.

Joe Hawranek, the author, attended VMI and U.VA; joined the Air Force and was stationed in Florida at Patrick AFB where he was a launch officer on the Minuteman program and participated in over 50 launches.  After the USAF, he joined IBM, worked on the first Saturn V Moon Rocket launch that put the man on the moon. He then returned to school at the University of PA Wharton School where he earned a Ph.D. in Economics. His dissertation topic focused on White Collar Crime.  The LIBOR, FOREX price fixing, mortgage loan manipulation and Gold price manipulation are white-collar crimes.

He retired from IBM and lives in Las Cruces, NM where he co-founded a TEA party and wrote  Who’s Next?.  On his Blog,  he has published over 140 geopolitical articles.  In 2016, he published a newsletter called The Raven Report, Geopolitical News From Around the World.  The site is

Two FED banks and three other banks were investigated, indicted, convicted and fined $6.5 billion for LIBOR and FOREX price fixing. Deutschebank plus others were involved in Gold price manipulation. The five banks are convicted conspiratorial Felons. In Part I, you will you find that they stole $14.5 trillion per year – – – the government does not tell us.  The convicted banks are Barclays, JP Morgan, Bank of America, Citigroup and Royal Bank of Scotland.  The justice department announced that there are nine banks involved in the mortgage market manipulation and those fines are forthcoming.  In addition, the FED banks plundered another $41.5 trillion over 102 years from the national debt, mortgage debt, student loans, credit card debt, state and local government debt, car loans, and special FED bailouts. Only the mortgage market was investigated.

The two volume series Who’s Next?  Part I, Joseph Hawranek, Ph.D. Sep 15, 2015

xulon press author contest 2015

 Who’S Next? Analysis Of 66 Mysterious Banker Deaths: Part I: Federal Reserve Banks White Collar CrimesThe metaphor is made that modern banks represent an armada of privateer pirate ships that raid upon the ten trillion dollar / day digital flow of money about the world. When exposed and “fired upon at close quarters with “Man of War” known as legislative investigatory committees, they panic and run for cover. They do this in various ways; one way could be to eliminate any of their officers who have knowledge of their previous law breaking – – – After all, “Dead Men Tell No Tales”. Part I analyzes the “booty” on an annual rate as well as the 66 banker deaths. There were five investigative committees or “Man of War” investigating the banks during the period studied. The Regulatory agencies are toothless since the FED directly or indirectly controls them. They stay in the safe harbor, called “Do Nothing”. Many of the 66 people dead are traders, former traders, risk assessment officers or data processing experts. The big banks JP Morgan (19), ABN AMRO (2), Citibank (2) and Deutsche Bank (3) had executives who were “suicided” or had mysterious deaths. Both Alan Greenspan and Henry Morgan were privateers whose owners sponsored their pirating. Both successfully brought booty home to their sponsors – the Queen – and both were rewarded with Knighthoods. Greenspan’s FED Armada takes about $14.5 trillion per year in booty from the citizens of the world. The solution is in legislation and the closure of the FED and the removal of the Fed being in charge of all regulatory agencies.

The two volume series, Part II, Joseph Hawranek, Ph.D. Sep 15, 2015

xulon press author contest 2015


Who’s Next? Analysis of Fed Plundering in Port Usury (Ny). How Much Booty Is It?: PART II: FED Reserve Banks White Collar Crimes.  The metaphor of the pirate fleet is continued when they come back to their homeport in New York that is renamed “Port Usury”.  Part II is about how banking privateers operate in their homeport and how much plunder is taken. What form of plundering do they use on land? What are modern day banking cannons?  How are the canons used? How do the banks plunder people and nations when not at sea? What is the Merrimack metaphor? The Federal Reserve System (FED), the admiral’s ship of a privateer banking armada, controls the money, the Congress, the regulatory bodies and the rate setting bodies that give them advantages over merchants, individuals, and nations. This may be changing. The unarmed merchants led by the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) have created their own independent financial system, the Merrimack, shown on the cover. These nations have united to combat the Rothschild Central Bankers. They now have their own independent regulatory bodies, IMF, Swift money transfer systems, commodity exchanges, and sovereign credit banks for the first time in 104 years. Their ship’s armor are “honest financial systems”, which are designed to give them freedom from the FED’s admitted dishonest price setting thefts. In the wings, China has announced a gold backed Yuan which will challenge the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. The combination of a metal clad merchant fleet and the sovereign nation states man of war investigatory bodies described in Part I may expose and thereby eliminate the FED. Part II investigates the origins of the Illuminati, central banking, probable agreements made at Jekyll Island, history of progressive education in America, what America could do to escape the FED debt cycle, why a cashless society is bad for citizens, the importance of the BRICS in destroying the FED and the $41.5 trillion FED plunder taken in the last 104 years. In Part I, the FED privateers plundered $14.5 trillion per year in their admitted price fixing felonious theft in the areas of LIBOR, FOREX, and Mortgage manipulations.  For those thefts, they paid a $6.5 billion fine.

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