Russ Scholta is an entrepreneur and business owner living, with his wife Ann, in Eureka, CA. His educational background includes a BA from Chico State University, an MA from Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, Berkeley, CA and studies at Park University, Parkville, MO. He has had a brief, 5-year career as a Lutheran Minister, taught English in Platte Woods, MO and had a 37-year career in the petroleum industry. Russ preaches monthly at the Presbyterian church in Blue Lake, CA.
Who is Rus Scholta?
Russ Scholta is an entrepreneur and business owner living, with his wife Ann, in Eureka, CA. His educational background includes a BA from Chico State University, an MA from Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, Berkeley, CA and studies at Park University, Parkville, MO. He has had a brief, 5-year career as a Lutheran Minister, taught English in Platte Woods, MO and had a 37-year career in the petroleum industry. Russ preaches monthly at the Presbyterian church in Blue Lake, CA.
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