Joe’s Corner_Trump Detroit Speech

JOE’S CORNER – – – -14 AUGUST 2016

Hi everybody, Joe here.

I am a fan of Donald Trump, as most of you know. Why? He is for America

and he has been a success in everything that he has ever done. Recently,

he made a significant Economic speech in Detroit. The press was very

negative – as usual. I decided to listen to the whole speech rather than

pay attention to the negative press.

Frankly, it was very good. If followed, his ideas would turn this country

around. Some highlights are:

1. Do not trust Hillary Clinton. Her programs have all been disasters.

Anything she touches goes bad because she consistently makes bad


2. Obamacare – he will remove it and replace it with open competition

between insurance companies.

3. Tax Code – this is overlooked but is the most significant portion of his

program. He proposes a Maximum 15% corporate rate. This will

bring manufacturing back to the U.S. When the cold war ended, the

Eastern countries like Poland, Czech republic all went to 15% taxes

and – – – THEY BOOMED. It is a low rate but businesses could count

on their expenses for the future.

4. Child Health care – fully deductible.

5. Interest on loans – not deductible because it helps wall street and the

banks. At a 15/25/35% tax rate the average home will not be hurt.

6. Infrastructure rebuilding – Military, roads, bridges, tunnels, rail etc.

7. Regulations – – Moratorium on recent regulations and major effort to

eliminate them if they “reduce American employment”. War on coal is


In short, it is a speech for all Americans. Here it is below – – It is about 60

minutes but worth listening to.


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