Benghazi Exposure – The Video “Innocence of Muslims”

Some Facts on The Innocence of Muslims

Another Benghazi Exposure is now attributed to Mark Basseley Youssef, formerly known as Nakoula Basseley Nakoula (born 1957) who claims to be an Egyptian-born Coptic Christian, a US resident who is a writer, producer, and promoter of films – most recently “Innocence of Muslims”. It is claimed that it went viral but has now been removed. The press claims that it is an anti-Islamic video that is perceived to denigrate Islam’s prophet Muhammad. There is mystery about this man since at least one reporter says that he claims to be Muslim.

On July 2, 2012, a “Sam Bacile” who was later identified as Nakoula, was reported to
post an English-language promotional trailer for Innoocence of Muslims on You Tube.
The videos were later dubbed in Arabic and Posted on the Internet in September, 2012.  Note that this was a sophisticated promotion of an irritating film.


Now consider some newly reported and documented facts that spread a different light
on the video.

  • The attack on the Embassy took place on 11 September 2012
  • CGI Federal – the Canadian Company that built the Obamacare website –
    appears to have a connection to the “Innocence of Muslims” video the Obama
    administration blamed for the Benghazi attacks.
  • CGI acquired Stanley Associates in 2010 – Stanley provides services to US
    civilian, defense and intelligence agencies.
  • A YouTube channel known as NewsPoliticsNow3 (NPN3) is connected to and was created by Stanley Associates.
  • Thus CGI owns Stanley Associates who owns NPN3.
  • On September 11, 2012, NewsPoliticsNow3 (NPN3) uploaded a short version
    of the video (only 1:32 of it). It was in fact NPN3 (see source for screenshot taken
    19 hours after the video uploaded on 9/11) which gave the crude movie a new
    title “Innocence of Muslims”, instead of the name given previously (click on
    image to enlarge). Thus, the name “Innocence of Muslims” was first seen on 11
    September, 2013, the day of the attack.
  • NPN3 promoted the film and caused the video to gain more than four million
    views of its 1:32 long trailer, NewsPoliticsNow3 took down the video on or
    before 9/20/12.
  • The Obama Administration played its role accordingly. Using Secretary of State
    Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and Obama at the UN speech all pointing to the video
    to create the diversion that the cause of the attack was the video and not an
    organized well funded and well armed attack.

Evidence shows that NPN3 is a creation of Stanley which is owned
by CGI.

  1. NPN3 was needed as a front;
  2. The Obama administration needed to be involved with making
    the video go viral. While at the same time state that it “had
    absolutely nothing to do with it”.

Donna A Ryan, President of CGI Federal (9/28/11) and Senior VP of Stanley (8/10/10)

CGI photos by Garrett Hubbard. © Garrett Hubbard 2011a. Responsible for Civilian, Defense and Intelligence Sectors of the U.S. Federal Government.

b. As a member of CGI’s Management Committee, she also participates in the development and execution of CGI’s global strategy.

c. Ms. Ryan had been Senior Vice President at Stanley, Inc. since August 2010.

d. While holding both titles, Ryan also made several trips to the White House.

  • This is a very well connected contractor to the Government. How well connected? Let us see who is on their board

* John Loonsk, former director for health
information technology at HHS, which awarded the
Obamacare web project. To CGI. He is now CGI’s
chief medical officer and an initiative member.

* James Peake was secretary of veterans affairs under President
George W. Bush, and is now CGI’s senior vice president for the
health industry sector and an initiative member.

* Molly O’Neill, the former chief information officer at the US
Environmental Protection Agency, who is now a CGI Vice

* Barbara Fast, retired U.S. Army major general, is a CGI senior
vice president for defense matters and part of the initiative.

* Patricia Healey was the former chief financial officer for the US
Department of Agriculture She is now a CGI executive

  • Prior to the Stanley Associates involvement with NPN3, the Video Itself had its name changed from “Desert Warrior” to the name “Innocence of the Muslims.” Other names were “Innocence of Bin Laden and “Muhammad Movie Trailer”. If the names and sequence of names is confusing, I suspect our government meant it to be.

What to make of all this?

It appears to me as if the Video was put together by one of the intelligence
agencies’ assets and was used as a front by the administration to divert attention from the fact that this was an organized, well funded and well armed attack on the embassy.

Why did the Obama administration allow the attack go forward and kill our Ambassador?

They-Knew-300x166That is up to a Congressional Independent Counsel to find out. More is going on here than meets the eye because the administration refused the embassy aid and made “stand down” orders to military personnel that could have prevented the 4 Americans deaths.

We now have evidence that it was CGI / Stanley’s / NPN3 that created the
name “Innocence of Muslims” on the day of the attack which became the signature of the Obama administration.

Because of the administration’s position, our government leaders have left a trail of murder and American blood in its wake. If an independent counsel concluded that their actions “aided and comforted” the enemy then the constitution says that this is action for a possible charge of treason. Nakoula may have produced the video, but he did not make it go viral nor was it named “Innocence of Muslims” until the day of the attack.

About Raven

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