A recent article caught my attention so I thought that I would write on the subject also. Kelleigh is a well-known commentator who speaks the truth. She has a timeline of the socialist left attacks against Trump.

• The FBI planted a mole within the Trump campaign before the election. Russians were not in the picture. Thus, this was a political data gathering operation.
• Trump advisor, Mike Caputo, tells us that there were multiple moles.
He said on Fox News – “When we finally find out the truth about this, Director Clapper, Brennan and the rest of them will be wearing some orange suits.”


Mike Caputo, General Flynn, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Michael Cohen, Jared Kushner, Carter Page and George Papandopalous and others are facing massive legal bills that are financially bankrupting them. Historically, this is Mueller’s modus Operandi.

The problem is that the FBI / Justice department cannot investigate themselves and no one wants a second General Counsel.

What is needed? A general counsel and massive firings at the top to clean house is what is called for. I do not see anyone leaning that way.

I made a previous Facebook free article that showed that the mole identified made over a million dollars. This is far in excess of the norm. It indicates that this was a political mole operation.

The left is not putting their heavy cover up guns on the line and making asinine statements such as from the New York Times. It said that the mole was not spying on Trump but he was there to protect Trump from the Russians.

The facts are clear for the public to see and to read between the lines. He was there only to spy for political reasons and toe help Hillary Clinton win – just as they did for Bernie Sanders.

Kaleigh Nelson asks the open question – Why has not Sessions un-recused himself and jump into the fight. I found her answer interesting since is it probably true but would be hard to prove. She says that he is part of the swamp. He is an establishment shill from the beginning and was put into the administration to help destroy Trump if he won. She did not say what evidence she had for this but I point out.
• Rosenstein and Mueller are old friends
• Session and Rosenstein are friends
• Rosenstein convinced Session to recuse himself with anything having to do with Russia.
• Upon the Recusal being taken by Sessions, Rosenstein as deputy appointed Mueller as the Special Counsel.
• Rosenstein, Hillary and Mueller were on the committee that approved the Uranium One sale of 20% of US uranium to Russia. In return, the Hillary fund received $145 million in donations from the new owners of Uranium One.

The above sequence of events are accurate and paint possible conspiracy. Only another special counsel

What is Happening?
The Left and the media are in panic mode. The know the tables are being turned. Americans are not dumb and they have figured out that Trump is honest, is being maliciously falsely attacked by the Left. The recent Leftist attacks are that Trump is undermining the rule of law and the integrity of the FBI. In fact, they see that the FBI executives and Hillary attacked the integrity of the FBI. As trump said, “Spy gate will be one of the biggest political scandals in history.”
Barack Obama
Barack Obama was directly involved in this. He would have to been. Why? Otherwise, you would have to conclude that James Comey, James Clapper and Attorney General Loretta Lynch operated on their own in putting a mole in the presidential candidate’s campaign. Proving it is another thing than knowing it to be true. Obama knew that Stefan Halper, a British Spy, was inside the Trump campaign. He received $1 million for his services.
The British
In retrospect, it appears as if the strategic plan and operations came out of Britain. It was here that Steele conjured up the fake dossier that was used to justify the special prosecutor. They pushed for war in the Ukraine, Hillary as president, banking control of European banking, urged Trump to avoid the Chinese New Silk Road and generally have been operating as if they want Washington to follow their strategies that would maximize benefits to UK and not the US. Their unarmed security force was in Benghazi who ran at the first shots.












A recent article caught my attention so I thought that I would write on the subject also.[i] Kelleigh is a well-known commentator who speaks the truth.   She has a timeline of the socialist left attacks against Trump.


  • The FBI planted a mole within the Trump campaign before the election. Russians were not in the picture.  Thus, this was a political data gathering operation.
  • Trump advisor, Mike Caputo, tells us that there were multiple moles.

He said on Fox News – “When we finally find out the truth about this, Director Clapper, Brennan and the rest of them will be wearing some orange suits.”


Mike Caputo, General Flynn, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Michael Cohen, Jared Kushner, Carter Page and George Papandopalous and others are facing massive legal bills that are financially bankrupting them. Historically, this is Mueller’s modus Operandi.


The problem is that the FBI / Justice department cannot investigate themselves and no one wants a second General Counsel.


What is needed?  A general counsel and massive firings at the top to clean house is what is called for.    I do not see anyone leaning that way.


I made a previous Facebook free article that showed that the mole identified made over a million dollars.  This is far in excess of the norm.  It indicates that this was a political mole operation.


The left is not putting their heavy cover up guns on the line and making asinine statements such as from the New York Times.  It said that the mole was not spying on Trump but he was there to protect Trump from the Russians.


The facts are clear for the public to see and to read between the lines.  He was there only to spy for political reasons and toe help Hillary Clinton win – just as they did for Bernie Sanders.


Kaleigh Nelson asks the open question – Why has not Sessions un-recused himself and jump into the fight.   I found her answer interesting since is it probably true but would be hard to prove.   She says that he is part of the swamp.  He is an establishment shill from the beginning and was put into the administration to help destroy Trump if he won.    She did not say what evidence she had for this but I point out.

  • Rosenstein and Mueller are old friends
  • Session and Rosenstein are friends
  • Rosenstein convinced Session to recuse himself with anything having to do with Russia.
  • Upon the Recusal being taken by Sessions, Rosenstein as deputy appointed Mueller as the Special Counsel.
  • Rosenstein, Hillary and Mueller were on the committee that approved the Uranium One sale of 20% of US uranium to Russia. In return, the Hillary fund received $145 million in donations from the new owners of Uranium One. [ii]


The above sequence of events are accurate and paint possible conspiracy.   Only another special counsel


What is Happening?

The Left and the media are in panic mode.  The know the tables are being turned.  Americans are not dumb and they have figured out that Trump is honest, is being maliciously falsely attacked b

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Meta description preview:A recent article caught my attention so I thought that I would write on the subject also. Kelleigh is a well-known commentator who speaks the truth. She has a timeline of the socialist left attacks against Trump. The FBI planted a mole within the Trump campaign before the election. Russians were not in the picture. Thu

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y the Left.    The recent Leftist attacks are that Trump is undermining the rule of law and the integrity of the FBI.   In fact, they see that the FBI executives and Hillary attacked the integrity of the FBI.  As trump said, “Spy gate will be one of the biggest political scandals in history.”

Barack Obama

Barack Obama was directly involved in this.  He would have to been.  Why?  Otherwise, you would have to conclude that James Comey, James Clapper and Attorney General Loretta Lynch operated on their own in putting a mole in the presidential candidate’s campaign.   Proving it is another thing than knowing it to be true.  Obama knew that Stefan Halper, a British Spy, was inside the Trump campaign.   He received $1 million for his services.

The British

In retrospect, it appears as if the strategic plan and operations came out of Britain.  It was here that Steele conjured up the fake dossier that was used to justify the special prosecutor.    They pushed for war in the Ukraine, Hillary as president, banking control of European banking, urged Trump to avoid the Chinese New Silk Road and generally have been operating as if they want Washington to follow their strategies that would maximize benefits to UK and not the US.  Their unarmed security force was in Benghazi who ran at the first shots.


[i] Kelleigh Nelson, “Sessions, Rosenstein and Mueller: Destroying America to Bring Down Trump” , May 29,2018, htttps://newswith America- t o-bring- down trump/


[ii] Hawranek, Joseph, 39 Years of Clinton Scandals and Corruptions. “Uranioum One Scandal”, Raven Publishing,