The purpose of this book is to allow the reader to place himself along a spectrum of political definitions. In order to do this, the author has defined specific terms and defined a scale on which to place these terms. By so doing, the reader upon understanding the term can determine whether that definition fits his beliefs or not and place himself along that scale.
The book covers the definition of political terms, analyzes along a linear scale where those terms fall and discusses the “isms” that are generally used such as capitalism, statism, socialism and communism. In order to provide the reader with a better understanding of where the United States fits on a spectrum of these definitions, Lenin’s 10-point program for communism is discussed along with Naomi Wolf’s 10 required steps to reach a fascist government. Upon completion of that study, the reader is prepared for the discussions on the New World order. The New World order is defined using discussions of its proponents and it too is placed upon the political scale. The New World Order proponents have moved this country in that direction for the last 30 years. It is not there yet but there has been a populist political revolution in the election of Donald Trump that says – – – the citizens do not want the New World Order to continue its centralization of this society and removal of God from society.
After defining and scaling the New World Order, the book asks a simple question, “Quo Vadis?” – Where do we go from here? It then examines the possibilities. Finally, in the Appendix A, there is a test for the reader. This test if answered honestly allows the reader to place himself on liberal, conservative and libertarian scales. The Author recommends that you take the test prior to reading the book and then subsequently after you read the book.
The author found that one source of confusion in society is that the meaning of words changes with time. For instance, a Liberal in the 1700s is what one would call a Libertarian today. In addition, a socialist of the 1800s is what one would call a liberal today – even though the liberal of today would argue vociferously that they are not socialist. The book starts with defining the differences between socialism and libertarianism simply because the author has written an entire book on this topic. Further, it does this because libertarianism is congruent with capitalism. Then it addresses the underlying question of all economics, “What is the best way to organize society that maximizes the wealth of the nation and the individual?” There are many answers to this question. Marx proposed socialism. The founding fathers of this nation proposed libertarianism, which is capitalism. This book analyzes the different types of socialism – Marxism, Russian socialism, German socialism, and European conservative socialism. Further, it discusses at length libertarianism. Finally, it draws political scales and fits these terms on those scales. The hope is that you will identify with one of these forms of government and find where you fit on the political spectrum.
In order to provide the reader a good foundational understanding of his beliefs, the following political terms are discussed and defined – Liberal, conservative, natural law, libertarianism and natural Law and common law. These concepts are at the individual level. At the state level, the concepts of political power, freedom and liberty, the nature of political power and the different categories of governmental encroachment on freedom are defined and discussed.
Upon completion of these definitions, the reader is ready to understand the current “hot topic” of state organization – the “New World Order”. The author has identified that the New World order is simply mercantilism in the 21st century. This is where a relatively few individuals control the assets of the world, primarily for their benefit. In the 18th century, the concept of mercantilism existed at the founding of this nation. It was probably the principle reason for the revolution. 18th Century Mercantilism is where the United Kingdom had colonies that provided raw materials, which were sent to England where manufactured goods were produced and then the manufactured goods were sent back to the colonies with the profits remaining in the merchants residing in the UK… During the revolution, it was illegal for manufacturing of certain items to be made in the Colonies. The 21st century mercantilism is where large corporations and banks use individual nations to provide the raw materials and they manufacturer in whatever nation maximizes their profits. They have no sovereign nation loyalty. The elitist controlled manufacturers pocket those profits. They are not loyal to any sovereign nation but only to the profit center, that makes them richer.
The New World order uses many of the “isms” such as capitalism, welfare statism, socialism and communism. As such, the author has determined that they need a communist society and a fascist government. Because of this, Lenin’s 10-point program for communism is examined and Naomi Wolf’s 10 required steps to get the state to fascism is discussed and examined.
Upon examination, one finds that many of Lenin steps have already been accomplished and all 10 of Naomi Wolf’s steps have been accomplished. Thus, we have a fascist government and an almost communist society. God has not been removed from society yet. This means that currently the United States follows many of the principles associated with communism as well as all of the principles associated with fascism. This raises the question, “Where do we go from here?” We could continue to progress along the path to the New World Order as is desired by the elitist bankers and corporatists or reverse course and go back to the Constitution and the libertarian principles that were followed that made this nation great. The popular election of Donald Trump says the later but the incumbents want the former as proven by the last ditch fight they are putting up against Trump in every quarter of this government. The Democratic Party and the RINOS have become New World Order pawns but they do not recognize this nor accept the label.
Much of the civics classes in the school systems have been watered down to be virtually information depleted leaving nothing. In order to provide a better foundation for the reader to understand what is at stake, the following topics are discussed – liberty, John Locke (Libertarian), American liberty documents, the fall of the Roman empire and the reason why and the differences between a politician and a statesman. Finally, there is a brief discussion on liberty in today’s world – – -what it means, with respect to national freedom, economic freedom, spiritual freedom, scientific freedom, and whether there is a need for a revolution.
The Donald Trump populist revolution at the ballot box was encouraging if you are a constitutionalist because it fits John Locke’s rationale of reasons that justify a revolution against any government. Specifically, revolution is justified if the government substitutes arbitrary will of the executive for Law, or limits the Legislature power from acting freely by legislating from the bench or executive branch, or delivers the people into a foreign power such as the New World Order of “corporatism” (think Obamacare and the Dodd Frank banking law), or alters the mode of electing the legislative body by accepting noncitizens into the voting box. In this instance, every one of the reasons is met and the electorate finally revolted!
At this point, the author asked the reader to take the test in appendix A, and see where he fits.